Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

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Code of Ethics

MSM GROUP companies comply with all generally applicable laws and other standards relating to corporate governance and control. We also expect our business partners to adhere to the standards of ethical and honest business conduct and do not tolerate any form of corruption or other violations of generally applicable laws.

The Group has adopted the MSM GROUP Code of Ethics, which is an expression of the required attitudes and standards of conduct of its employees that reflect the Company’s core values. The Code of Ethics is binding on all employees of the Company. The application by all employees of the principles defined in the Code of Ethics, the Compliance Program and the Company’s values is an integral part of the transparent conduct of the Company’s business activities in compliance with generally applicable laws, other relevant norms and standards and its social responsibility.

The MSM GROUP Code of Ethics sets out, among other things, the rules for relations with customers, suppliers and state and public institutions. Feedback on compliance with the principles set out in the Code of Ethics, as well as employee suggestions regarding anti-social activities, is provided 24 hours a day by the MSM Ethics Hotline.

These principles govern a number of areas

Basic Principles of Employee Conduct

An employee of MSM GROUP companies performs his/her work and tasks in accordance with the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, laws, other generally binding legal regulations, internal regulations of the employer, his/her job description and in accordance with the interests of the employer. An employee of MSM GROUP companies shall never act in conflict of interest.

We do not tolerate discriminatory behaviour and create fair working conditions
We guarantee equal opportunities, the safety and health of our employees are our priority.

We fight corruption

We consistently reject and prohibit any corrupt behaviour by our employees, we do not tolerate said behaviour and we check through Compliance whether there are proven cases of corruption in relation to external partners of MSM GROUP companies and take this into account when making business decisions.

Donations and other benefits

An employee of MSM GROUP companies shall never allow himself or herself to be placed in a position in connection with the performance of the tasks entrusted to him or her in which he or she is obliged to reciprocate a proven favour or advantage, or which deprives him or her of impartiality and independence in his or her decision-making in any matter.


Sponsorship donations that are earmarked for any business opportunity in the public or private sector are prohibited. The purpose of sponsorship by MSM GROUP companies is to support education (especially technical education), sports, culture or the non-profit sector, especially in the region where MSM GROUP companies operate.

We prevent money laundering, follow export and import rules and a compliance programme

Prudent business takes precedence over profit. We make great efforts to prevent the laundering of proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism. We adhere to the “Know Your Customer – KYC” principles and conduct business only with trusted business partners whose income is derived from legitimate sources, in accordance with the rules set by the MSM GROUP’s Compliance Program.

Environmental protection and social responsibility

We are aware of the potential impact of our business on the environment and therefore strive to protect it. We favour environmentally friendly technologies, do not engage in projects that threaten the environment, and when selecting suppliers, we examine the environmental impact of their products and services.

Control, compliance with ethical rules and the opportunity to make complaints

In the event of a reasonable suspicion of conduct that is grossly unethical, disruptive to workplace safety, environmental protection or damaging to the reputation of MSM GROUP companies, an employee has the opportunity to report such situations through the MSM GROUP Ethics Hotline.

The Ethics Line of MSM GROUP s.r.o., is an effective tool and a trustworthy way for whistleblowers to report anti-social activities.
The procedure for filing and verifying the notification is defined in the issued organizational directive and in accordance with Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the protection of whistleblowers of antisocial activities and on amending and supplementing certain acts, as amended.

The Ethics Line is not intended for reporting emergencies (accidents, fires, etc. falling within the competence of the police, firefighters and rescue services), for solving problems within the normal operation of the organisation.
MSM GROUP has established the following reporting options for employees of Group companies and third parties who witness a violation of the above rules:

CSG channel:

Recording a telephone message on (+420) 733 678 454
sending a complaint to the following e-mail address:

MSM channel:

By email: daily via the contact form
in writing to MSM Services, s.r.o., in a sealed envelope marked “Do not open, suggestion for MOO”. Above the company address, indicate the name of the Protection and Defence Manager of MSM Services, s.r.o. (Compliance)
By mouth: to the Protection and Defence Manager of MSM Services, Ltd. (Compliance) for the record
To e-mail:
In the box marked ‘Suggestions’, which is located in the lobby of MSM Services, s.r.o., Building 100

For the purpose of keeping records of notifications, the employer is entitled to process the personal data contained in the notification in the following scope: name, surname and residence address of the notifier.