


1927 – 1929

The historical beginnings of the establishment of the current ZVS Joint Stock Company when the then Škodovy závody in Plzeň, as a monopoly producer of weapon equipment, decided to build the so-called “reserve factory”.

Start of construction of laboration facilities which were completed and equipped with the necessary technological equipment by 31 December 1936.

1935 – 1937

The history of MSM Martin, the Nováky plant, began in 1935, when industrial and strategic buildings started to be built in Nováky. A military garrison with an ammunition depot was established there.

On 2 January of that year, production officially began in the plants of the then Škoda factory. Production in laboration plants, i.e. in the premises of today’s joint stock company, started
at the beginning of May in 1937. (future ZVS).

1938 – 1945

After the Munich Dictatorship, the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was established and the Slovak State was created under the patronage of Hitler’s Germany. Škodovy závody (ZVS) came under the management of Reichswerke für Waffen und Maschinenbau Hermann Göring, the German concern, after buying the majority of shares. The plant worked on orders for war material primarily for the German armed forces. Guns, howitzers, anti-aircraft guns, aircraft engines, etc. were produced there.

The Germans left the plant definitively on 28 – 29 April 1945, and already on 2 May 1945, employees entered the plant (future ZVS) accompanied by the Red Army. After assessing the damage, the employees started the immediate reconstruction of the buildings destroyed by the war.

1947 – 1953

Start of production. In the same year, based on the decree
of the President of the Republic, Škodovy závody in Dubnica nad Váhom
became an independent national enterprise after nationalisation, which was renamed to Závody K. J. Vorošilova,
a national enterprise on 3 February 1951.

On 1 January, Závody K. J. Vorošilova was delimited,
and this date marks the establishment of the independent
enterprise “Závody všeobecného strojárstva, a national enterprise
in Dubnica nad Váhom” directly subordinated to the Ministry
of General Engineering.

1953 – 1957

The IDEIX company (currently MSM Banská Bystrica) that was established in 1937, changed to Letecké spojovacie dielne and Letecké
vývojové stredisko.

The establishment of the plant in Nováky to perform repairs, revisions and ammunition. In 1957, the trial operation of the plant began. To this day, it is the only one in Slovakia that is able to ensure the entire life cycle of ammunition, from repairs, through revisions to final disposal.

1958 – 1963

On 1 April, based on the decision of the superior authorities, Závody všeobecného strojárstva was incorporated as a subsidiary plant to the national enterprise Adamovské strojírny Adamov under the name Adamovské strojárne, n. p. Dubnica nad Váhom.

Letecké spojovacie dielne and Letecké vývojové stredisko
in Banská Bystrica changed their name to Letecké opravovne Banská Bystrica, the enterprise underwent modernisation and new repair technologies were introduced.

1969 – 1981

On 1 January, Decision No. 3/137/68 of the Ministry of Heavy Industry in Prague of 9 December 1968 granted the status of an independent
enterprise included in the VHJ ZVS Brno system of enterprises.

There was a change of VHJ ZVS Brno to a group management system and thus also a change from a national enterprise to a group company.

1984 – 1989

Miltary repair company in Nováky implemented an important
resolution of the Presidency of the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on the preferences of workers in the explosives sector.

Letecké opravovne Banská Bystrica became a state enterprise established by the Federal Ministry of National Defence of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic.

1990 – 1993

On 1 December, the ZVS BRNO group with its registered office in Brno ceased to exist and the ZVS, a state enterprise, was established by Founding Charter No. 33/1990 of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

The name changed to Letecké opravovne Banská Bystrica, a state enterprise. The Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic became the company founder. Introduction of new repairs of communication, radar and PVO technology.

1996 – 1998

On 1 May, the state enterprise transformed to ZVS. A wholly state-owned joint-stock company was established.

On 24 September, a joint-stock company with the business name ZVS holding was founded.

2004 – 2006

Transformation of Letecké opravovne Banská Bystrica State Enterprise into a joint-stock company and change of its business name to
LOBB Banská Bystrica.

Purchase of Vihorlat Snina by ZVS Holding.



On 1 January, MSM Martin won the public tender for the full rights to manage the VOP Nováky. Marián Goga became the responsible person for MSM Martin and the general manager.

MSM Martin was awarded the prestigious prize for the mobile technology line at the international exhibition IDET
ammunition delaboration.


Fusion of ZVS holding and ZVS IMPEX joint stock company with MSM Martin s.r.o. – formation of MSM GROUP. ZVS holding a.s. certified large calibre 155 mm ammunition to the Polish Army, when the first series was delivered. MSM Martin – Banská Bystrica operation completed the first delivery of 4 pieces of NDB – radio locators (NON DIRECTIONAL BEACON) to foreign countries, later delivered another 8 pieces.


ZVS holding Snina expanded production. Invested
1.3 million € in technological equipment, revitalization and modernization.
At the turn of 2016 and 2017 in MSM Martin, Nováky operation,
“Mechanical workshops” were modernized, where 6 new production facilities were put into operation, which are used to repair and modify moulds for injection moulding machines of our automotive customers and for piece and small series production.


ZVS holding certified large calibre 155 mm ammunition for the NORA howitzer. Delivery of 155 mm calibre ammunition to various countries in the world.

MSM Martin – Banská Bystrica operation completed the development of the Disk II MSM turret.


ZVS holding won the tender in NSPA for 155 mm calibre ammunition to Latvia. At the same time, they became the sole source supplier of “SOLE SOURCE” for the Latvian Army.

MSM Martin – Banská Bystrica operation completed the development of C130 Mobile Air Traffic Towers. Subsequent sale of the airport towers to India. Completed development of NDB 500 and Wideband Spoofer GNSS global positioning satellite system.


16 May 2019 opening of the new modernized hall P15 in MSM Martin – Nováky. Acquisition of one of the most modern production facilities in Europe in the segment of technical ammunition life extension and ammunition production.