MSM GROUP is under Act No. 392/2011 Coll. when trading with defence industry products which regulates the conditions and control of foreign trade activities with defence industry products in the Slovak Republic.
Following the above-mentioned Act, MSM GROUP carries out foreign trade activities with defence industry products based on, within the scope and under the conditions laid down in the decision of the Ministry of Economy, issued as a licence for the import or export of defence industry products.
The Ministry of Economy shall grant the licence separately for each business case, after a thorough assessment and the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Slovak Information Service and the National Security Office, with emphasis on the applicable international sanctions regulating foreign trade activities with defence industry products.
MSM GROUP also complies with United States laws governing export controls with extraterritorial effect in its foreign trade activities in defense-related products, equipment, technology, software, technical data, know-how, and services that are subject to ITAR or EAR regulation.
The obligation of every operator of an undertaking classified under Act No. 128/2015 Coll. on the prevention of major industrial accidents is to inform the public that may be affected by a possible major industrial accident.
Informácia pre verejnost ZVS holding, a.s., 2023, Dubnica nad Váhom
Informácia pre verejnosť VOP Nováky a.s., prevádzkareň Brestovany
Informácia pre verejnosť VOP Nováky, a.s., prevádzkareň MS Dubnica nad Váhom
Informácia pre verejnosť VOP Nováky, a.s., prevádzkareň Trnava pri Laborci
Informácia pre verejnosť VOP Nováky, a.s., prevádzkareň Čankov
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Gas supply
Quality standards
Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví_Rozhodnutie-Schválenie_č.0357_2023_E_ZVS Holding
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