152 mm HE ER-BB

152 mm HE ER-BB

The product which was originally designed for 152 mm self-propelled gun howitzer DANA (SpGH-77). However this ammunition can be used with any 152 mm howitzer which is designed to withstand the pressure generated by the ammunition. The ammunition can be used against infantry, lightly armoured targets as well as against structures.

MSM Group offers its customer unique solution of extended range of 152 mm ammunition which ensures the firing range of 20 km for boat tail (BT) projectile and 25.5 km for base bleed (BB) projectile. All projectiles for our 152 mm ammunition are supplied with PD fuzes of our own design – KZ 88M. The fuze fulfils all NATO standards requirements for 152mm ammunition.

Our 152 mm ammunition has been supplied to more than 12 countries around the world and MSM Group being one of the few companies producing such ammunition within NATO and EU territory ensures maximum quality of production.

Technical data
Projectile length with fuze 836 mm
Projectile length without fuze 778 mm
Projectile weight with fuze  43,56 kg
Type of high explosive TNT
High explosive weight 7,9 kg
Number of pieces in wooden packaging 1 pcs 152 mm HE ER BB +1 ks P740
Dimensions of wooden packaging 990 x 440 x 250 mm
Weight of filled packaging 80 kg
Number of wooden filled packaging per pallet 1000 x 900 x 1410 mm
Weight of filled pallet 823 kg

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